Dropped Object Prevention


In the offshore oil & gas industry, dropped and falling objects present a constant risk when working at height approximately 88% of dropped objects are equipment parts or unsecured objects. 42% of dropped objects are due to failed fixtures and fittings or inadequate securing.

Dropped objects are a serious concern that can put a workforce at risk and result in lost productivity. Whether in the worker’s hand or idle on the work surface, a dangerous dropped object situation can happen without notice. Results can range from inconvenience/loss of productivity to life-altering injury or death.
Safety of tools and equipment at heights involves the organization and securing of these objects, whether in use or not. Hard hats and steel toes help reduce the damage but in the hierarchy of controls one wants to eliminate the hazard all together if it’s a possibility.

Brands in the drop object prevention segment

• Dropsafe – Drops Prevention Devices
• Ergodyne – Stop the drop tools
• Stop Drop Tools
• Tool Tethers & Lanyards
• Lighting Fixture Safety Cable